Friday, May 15, 2009


Took Lucy to a field we don't go to very often, to practice some rally. I set out four margarine tub lids to act as cones for some weaving...

... And discovered that a huge gap in our training is getting her used to the presence of objects on the ground and ignoring them. Ok, maybe not so much a discovery as a reminder, since she's always been interested in checking out the rally signs. Hoo boy will we have our work cut out if we ever make it to the offset figure 8 in Advanced! Heh.

With our first trial coming up soon (which I realized with a start just a few days ago), I'm going to bring her out a few more times and just practice heeling past various miscellaneous objects on the ground.

Nothing like an upcoming trial to get one back into training mode, though I wish I had gotten back into it a bit sooner!


  1. It's on the way :)

    Jasmine's first run has been uploaded to my You Tube account.
